
Hifi rush art
Hifi rush art

hifi rush art

Duration requirement to gain its benefit reduced from 3 to 2 seconds.Mana Regeneration increased from 20-30% to 40-50%.While within your own Blizzard and for 3 seconds after leaving it, you take 20-25% less damage.Lucky Hit: Damage from your Pyromancy skills has up to a 12-17% chance to restore 10 Mana.Also grants 10% bonus Armor for 3-5 seconds.Unstoppable duration increased from 2-3 seconds to 3-5 seconds.Bonus damage increased from 11-20% to 21-30%.Increase Vyr's Mastery Key Passive's Damage Reduction by 6-9% for each Close enemy, up to 18-27%.Bonus Movement Speed increased from 20-25% to 25-30%.Bonus Movement Speed duration increased from 4 to 8 seconds.Each time Chain Lightning bounces, you gain 1.5-3 Mana.

hifi rush art

Additional Chain Lightning bounces increased from 2 to 4.Ball Lightning orbits around you and deals 15-25% increased damage.Bonus Movement Speed duration increased from 4 to 6 seconds.Double this bonus against Healthy enemies. Increase the Critical Strike Damage of Meteor and Fireball by 20%-40%.Bonus Burning damage increased from 30%-40% to 60%-80%.Bonus Burning damage increased from 20-30% to 20-40%.This now also affects Hydra's Enchantment Effect.You may have 1 additional Hydra active, and Hydra's duration is increased by 14-24%.Maximum Life bonus increased from 4% to 6%.Bonus damage reduction from Vulnerable enemies increased from 4% to 5%.Damage reduction from Vulnerable enemies increased from 4% to 5%.Bonus damage reduction from burning enemies increased from 4% to 5%.Damage reduction from burning enemies increased from 4% to 5%.Bonus damage reduction increased from 4% to 5%.Damage reduction increased from 4% to 5%.Damage reduction increased from 13% to 25%.Damage reduction increased from 10% to 15%.Increase Crackling Energy’s damage from 2% to 3% per 20 Intelligence the player has.Casting Fireball or Meteor increases your Critical Strike Chance by 5% for 5 seconds, up to 15%.Overall, the power level of the class is increasing only slightly, but there are a lot more enticing options that are equal in power. * Sorcerer: Buffs to Fire and Lightning builds bring us ever closer to a state of perfect balance between the elements we use. Besides that and some minor improvements, there's not much to see and Aspect of Bursting Venoms remains unfixed. * Rogue: Forceful Arrow gains a substantial buff and becomes a viable alternative to Puncture for ranged builds now. Minion builds also rejoice, with much need improvement to their Survivability from AoE Damage effects. With Sever's Unique Boots AND Legendary Aspect getting major overhauls. * Necromancer: Darkness is looming on the horizon, as Shadow builds keep getting stronger. * Druid: A viable Druid pet build?! Maybe! It's hard to say until we get a chance to test the changes, but at the very least this is a big step forward for pet enjoyers. For glory! For honor! For the love of the Barbarian! In the endgame, the top builds Whirlwind and Hammer of the Ancients aren't impacted but Rend, Double Swing and Upheaval all enjoy noticeable improvements, bringing the builds closer together overall. * Barbarian: Gain a sizable boost in the early game with more Fury generation from their Basic Skills.

Hifi rush art